
  • IMPACT (v1.0)

    The source code for IMPACT v1.0 has been released now!
    This program has been tested on 2 Intel Xeon X5650 hex-core 2.66 GHz CPU with 96 GB RAM, running Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).

Installation and Usage


Full installation instruction, including build paths, can be found in README

List of Dependencies

  • Python, Perl, R, C++
  • AREM v1.0.1
  • bedtools v2.17.0
  • bowtie v1.0.0
  • csem v2.4
  • MEME v4.9.1
  • samtools v0.1.19
  • sratoolkit v2.3.4.2

Configuring IMPACT

  • Define genome index
    Replace paths to bowtie indexes (line 204-207 for human, 209-211 for mouse) to fit your system
  • Define location of the JASPAR CORE database
    Replace path to JASPAR CORE database (line 208 for human and 212 for mouse) to fit your system

Change Log

  • August 27, 2014 (v1.0.0)

    1. First version of IMPACT


For questions or feedback, please contact Adrianto Wirawan